A Study Of
Storage and Distribution Costs
for Petroleum Products Throughout
Newfoundland and Labrador

Study Prepared by David M. French and Associates Inc. - May 2005
A Study Of Storage and Distribution Costs for Petroleum Products Throughout NL - Complete Document (12 mb)

The following tables reflect updated costing information as a result of follow-up work completed after
May 2005 and are the basis on which the Board's August 2006 changes have been made. These
updated tables replace those contained in the report "A Study of Storage and Distribution Costs for
Petroleum Products throughout Newfoundland and Labrador". Other tables contained in the report
have also been updated and can be made available if required by contacting the Board.

Revised Table 8:
Laid-in Cost of Automotive Fuels to Wholesale Point of Sale-Amended and Revised June 2006
Revised Table 11:
Delivery Rates Amended & Revised Reflecting Changes in Application of Ferry Rates & Increase in Diesel Fuel Prices
Revised Table 13:
Adjustments to Zone Differentials for Automotive Fuels (Wholesale Prices- all ex-tax)
Revised Table 14:
Adjustments to Zone Definitions & Zone Differentials to Retail Points of Sale Home Heating Fuels (Distillates)
Revised Table J-3:
Heating Fuels - Residential Propane

    Study Document Divided Into Sections (Note Revised Tables Above)
       Table of Contents
       Main Report:     Includes Sections 1 - 9
                 Section 1: Executive Summary
                 Section 2: Background
                 Section 3: Study of Storage and Distribution Costs
                 Section 4: Study and Storage of Petroleum Products
                 Section 5: Automotive Fuels - Distribution
                 Section 6: Distillate Heating Fuels - Distribution
                 Section 7: Propane Heating Fuel - Supply and Distribution
                 Section 8: Information for Storage and Distribution Database
                 Section 9: Study Recommendations
       Appendix A:    Existing Pricing Zones
       Appendix B:    Bulk Plants / Marine Depots – Capital & Operating Costs
       Appendix C:    Tractor-Trailer Deliveries – Gasoline to Bulk Plants
       Appendix D:    Tractor-Trailer Deliveries – Gasoline to Retail Outlets
       Appendix E:    Gasoline Deliveries - Tank-Wagons & Drums
       Appendix F:    Supply Chain Diagrams – Automotive Fuels
       Appendix G:    Tractor-Trailer Deliveries – Heating Fuels to Bulk Plants
       Appendix H:    Heating Fuel Deliveries - Tank-Wagons & Drums
       Appendix I:    Proposed Home Heat Zones – Avalon Peninsula
       Appendix J:    Propane Deliveries – Tank-Wagons to Households
       Appendix K:    Supply Chain Diagrams – Home Heating Fuels
       Appendix L:    Listing of Bulk Storage Facilities

2009 Review of Labrador Maximum Price Freeze Policy - Main Page

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